Tuesday, January 20, 2015

     The poem that I chose to respond to was one of Shakespeare's sonnet, #130. I always refer to this sonnet but it's my favorite one and I enjoy the work of Shakespeare among others' disagreements. I wanted to look deeper into this poem and it's meaning and how he used his words to the audience.

     In this sonnet, Shakespeare is putting the focus on his mistress and all her flaws that he finds beautiful contrary to others beliefs. He gives us an imagery of what he sees when he looks at her by telling us how red her cheeks are if you imagine roses or her hair being like black wires and etc. In class, there was a big "debate" about how well he did this poem. One of the topics that was brought up was the fact that he brought out all her flaws to the world but when you think of it, he's also letting us know that, to him she is still the most beautiful girl in the world.
     I felt as though he did a great job with this sonnet. And, it will probably be one of my favorites. Although, all of this is my opinion and what I interpreted from this sonnet, I feel as though it's a small portion of one of his great works.

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